I can’t believe 2016 is almost halfway finished! It’s been a year so far, y’all. A good one.
Here are some of the goals I have to make life happier + easier during June.
Writing Goals:
- Read/outline the craft book Story Trumps Structure by Steven James.
- Study a few comp titles for my new project.
- Develop a tentative outline for the new project and/or Book 4 if inspiration strikes.
- Complete any final edits on Book 3 + proposal.
Personal Goals:
- Journal/art journal 2-3 times a week.
- Sweat at least once a day. (And hydrate accordingly.)
- Revamp Sunday night meal planning and prep process.
- Declutter my closet, armoire, and kitchen.
Work Goals:
- Create a loose content calendar based on topics for the blog.
- Make a landing page for services I offer bloggers and podcasters.
- Possibly a promo for bloggers/podcasters?
- Take regular walk breaks during long stretches of work.
- Redesign my invoice template.
That’s the gist of it! I know it won’t go 100% according to plan, but I personally do best and accomplish things when I lay out my intentions.
What are your goals for this summer? How are you making them happen?
I just posted my June goals for today. HOW IS IT JUNE?!