Now that’s July is halfway finished (WHAT?), here’s how I did on my June goals:
- Read/outline the craft book Story Trumps Structure by Steven James. Does it count that I started it? Barely.
Study a few comp titles for my new project.Yes.Develop a tentative outline for the new project.Done!Complete any final edits on Book 3 + proposal.Done!
- Journal/art journal 2-3 times a week. Nope.
Sweat at least once a day. (And hydrate accordingly.)I actually did a lot better on this than I thought I would! I completed the Betty Rocker 30-Day Challenge, often working out twice a day, and only missed five days of sweat 🙂 I think I’ll count it though, since it’s 100 degrees here and impossible not to sweat!- Revamp Sunday night meal planning and prep process. It happened one week. Moving that goal to this month.
Declutter my closet, armoire, and kitchen. I decluttered my closet, and it feels amazing!
Create a loose content calendar based on topics for the blog.Yes.- Make a landing page for services I offer bloggers and podcasters. I started it, but it’s still in draft mode.
Possibly a promo for bloggers/podcasters?I did a conference promo instead! This one will have to wait until after edits are sent in.- Take regular walk breaks during long stretches of work. Oh goodness. Moving that to this month!
Redesign my invoice template.Yes!
Not too shabby, especially since my plans for a quiet summer were foiled by a new book contract. (Seriously. All the praise hands for this divine interruption!) Here’s what I’d like to accomplish for the rest of July:
Here’s what I’d like to accomplish for the rest of July:
Writing Goals:
- Work through the craft book Story Trumps Structure by Steven James.
- Complete 75% of edits for my debut novel due 8/15.
- Write 5-10K on my novella.
Personal Goals:
- Create morning and evening routines (including #morningmiles!)
- Revamp Sunday night meal planning and prep process.
- Weed out my armoire + organize groups of my cleaning supplies into transportable caddies.
- Institute a regular cleaning schedule (and stick to it).
- Celebrate the selah.
- Guard what comes out of my mouth.
Work Goals:
- Finish landing page for services I offer bloggers and podcasters
- Take regular walk breaks during long stretches of work
- Invite some amazing people I have in mind to join this blog for Table Talk and refine that format 🙂
That’s it — for starters. There are still ~3 weeks to accomplish a LOT!
What are you working toward this month?
You inspire me, friend! I’m still so excited about your book contract, too! I can’t wait to read it! 🙂