Happy Friday, friends! Hope this weekend will be full of rest, fun, and recharging for you! Last week, we celebrated my husband’s birthday — the big 4-0. We had a lot to celebrate last week that I can’t wait to tell you about, so keep your eyes open for some news hopefully by Monday!
<< currently >>
…getting my fitness on! I have been enjoying more consistent workouts since I’m between deadlines this summer. There’s nothing like some good tunes and a couple of miles of trail under my shoes!
…ogling this book! A friend who knows me well sent it to me, and I can’t wait to dive in! Chefs, organization, work, clean? These are a few of my favorite things 🙂
…realizing the importance of rest. I love the concept of naming it Selah, a word often found at the end of the Psalms that some believe to signify rest. I like to picture it as a sigh of relief with praise still resonating in the room. Naming rest makes it more intentional, for some reason.
…enjoying this loot! Hobby Lobby and Mardel moved in right next to each other in Tulsa, which as I said on Instagram, could be dangerous were it not for their amazing sales! I got all of this in the $20 range. My kids and I definitely won’t have a boring summer, that’s for sure.
…enjoying a celebratory bagel. If you’re on my newsletter list, you’ve already known why for a while. If not, hopefully you’ll find out Monday!
<< link love >>
- Quick! Somebody invite me over for dessert so I can make this No-Bake Chocolate Mousse Pie from Chef in Training!
- Love this post from Design for Mankind. Whether you’re a mom or not, this is a powerful illustration of honesty, vulnerability, and of allowing our loves to show up for us.
- Buzzfeed nails this article with 15 signs you’re having a book nerdy summer!
- Gah. Young 20s and anyone navigating the uncertainty of the real world for the first time have my heart. This piece from Andrea Lucado addresses calling, identity, and longing for heaven.
<< in case you missed it >>
- Strengthening various aspects of writing through “case studies” on The Writer’s Alley.
- A super fun, random, telling interview Robin E. Mason was so sweet to post.
- I’m doing a special on promotional services in honor of conference season!
- Table Talk: Author and speaker Jenny Kutz taught me the importance of showing up to work.
- Today, I’m sharing summer reading, listening, recipe, and other recommendations on my friend Christen Krumm’s blog!