my survival plan for 2015

I wasn’t going to do a Word of the Year.

Even though I did one in 2014, putting 365 days in a neatly wrapped box seems limiting. Daunting, even. Life is full of so many different, constantly changing, unexpected, beautiful experiences. And to be honest, I mostly don’t like the feeling that the #oneword idea is just a social media gimmick 🙂

But as I thought about what 2015 would look like for me, the word SURVIVE kept coming to mind. Adjusting to life as a work-at-home mama of two littles. A perpetual planner and administrator with a huge dream and no idea of what my daily schedule will look like.

Well, SURVIVE, I see your uneasy intimidation and raise you a swift kick in the jewels.


Yep. I’m not just going to survive in 2015; I’m going to thrive.

2015 won’t be represented by one word for me, but an entire lifestyle. I want to enjoy mothering a baby — this little boy for whom we’ve waited and prayed for so long — even more than I did the last time. I want to be intentional about my faith and life and work and writing in ways that maximize their potential to make me come alive and enable me to give best to those around me.

What does this look like? I’m not sure exactly. But here are a few ideas when it comes to work and writing:

  • Read at least one book a month with a goal of 15 in 2015. I think my total was, like, 5 in 2014, and that’s not okay. Books are just part of who I am. My brain needs the exercise. My fingertips need to feel the grain of pages.
  • Write in short increments every weekday with the end goal of finishing Jake and Adriana’s story. First draft and edits. I normally write about 1.5 books a year, and I’m confident I could do that even with the changes 2015 will bring. But I’d be content with one book. One ridiculously good one 🙂
  • Work a month ahead of time. It should come as no surprise to you that I’ve separated my regular work and writing-business tasks into things that can be done in advance + things that require daily or weekly maintenance. I’d like to get the majority of the next month’s work- and writing-related blog posts finished one weekend at the end of every month and then complete weekly tasks at the beginning of each week. This system is more sustainable and conducive to protecting creativity. Days will be freer for writing, spending time with my family, other creative endeavors, and more life-giving things!
  • Anticipate how I can spend my time most effectively to make sure everything gets accomplished, but realize that things aren’t in my own control but God’s. Or at least they should be. It’s absolutely best that way.
  • Don’t overthink things. My SisterChucks (writing sisters) and I have a motto and promise to each other not to overthink things. So I want to work on diverting unproductive thoughts before they can consume, sabotage, and steal my joy.
  • Enjoy. Above all enjoy it. To thrive in the John 10:10 “rich and satisfying life” God intended when He gave me freedom — even in moments the thief intends to “steal, kill, and destroy”.

Do you have any 2015 goals or big events coming up this year? Tell me what you hope your year will look like.

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  • Gail Hollingsworth says:

    My son is getting married July 11th this year, yay! We are so excited. She’s the perfect one for him and God truly brought them together. It took a while but of course His timing is always perfect. The next few months will be geared toward everything wedding, including my craft projects.

    • Yay! I love weddings 🙂 I’m glad you get to be a part of it and add your special touch. You’ll love gaining a daughter, though I suspect she’s felt like one for a little while now. Congrats! What a wonderful thing to happen this year!

  • 2015 is going to be a HUGE year for you (in a good way!). I can feel it 🙂

    • YAY! Sure hope so! I’m excited more than anything about your year 🙂

  • I love that word. I have to finish my MG book but I’m making great progress. I want to enjoy life and know that the Lord’s plans are best.

    • Oooh! I love that genre! Sounds like a great plan for 2015 🙂

  • I have so many goals and plans this year. One thing I do need to work on is being “brave”. Taking chances. My #WriteNight buddy has talked me into conference this year and at 9 months away the though of having to pitch stuff has me soooo nervous (already!) haha!! So I’m going to be brave this year and not chicken out. I can do all things through Him right? haha 🙂
